What Is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
Digitization of data has been an explosive force for productivity and advancement, and it also created its own new roster of mundane work roles.
No one wants to go back to the days of paper, manila folders, and steel filing cabinets.
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses the latest software technologies to automatically manage computer tasks that are highly structured, routine and repetitive. For tasks that are usually controlled by rules, schedules or events, the robot can run and finish the job.
In fact, the average back office employee spends up to 80 percent of their day on these global activities. These employees fill out forms, perform recalculations and process orders – these are all things that are important for customer satisfaction but tire employees.
RPA delegates such processes to robotic personnel. This workforce is accurate and accurate and will not prevent boredom. It can also be measured faster than a human worker. RPA can perform almost any complex rule-based task and can do so through the interaction of any software application or website. It is a robotic connection to the human world in the computer’s user interface.
What types of desktop activities can be automated? You name it. If a human can do it, a robot can do it the same way.

Apax Engineering solves business problems by automate those repetitive manual works, reducing backend load and human errors.
We can connect your manual work to our Products and at the same time help you solve these problems:
» Customer satisfaction:
By freeing up your customer-service personnel from forms and tabulations, you’re making them all the more available for attentive customer service. You’re also reducing the opportunity for errors. The result is an increase in customer satisfaction and much greater ability to meet the requirements of service-level agreements.
» Productivity: Compared with humans, software robots have been clocked completing the same tasks about five times faster. They also work 24/7 and don’t ask for time off, don’t eat lunch, or don’t visit the restroom. Beyond that obvious increase in productivity related to those tasks, you’ve also freed employees for unstructured problem-solving. You’re increasing their satisfaction and efficiency, and that boosts productivity even further.
» Accuracy: Face it . . . humans make mistakes. Robots are 99.99 percent accurate, 99.99 percent consistent, and 99.99 percent compliant with policies. The more you turn over to robots, the fewer clerical errors you experience, and the more time you save that used to be spent correcting those errors been clocked completing the same tasks about five times faster. They also work 24/7 and don’t ask for time off, don’t eat lunch, or don’t visit the restroom. Beyond that obvious increase in productivity related to those tasks, you’ve also freed employees for unstructured problem-solving. You’re increasing their satisfaction and efficiency, and that boosts productivity even further.
» Resource utilization: Offloading the mundane tasks to robots frees up your team to handle the tasks that add the most value to your business. What’s more, after you’ve turned a portfolio of tasks over to a robotic workforce, you’re more able to respond to a spike in demand or a lull. That’s good for customer service and helps ease HR headaches.
» Return on investment (ROI): All kinds of improvements can yield positive ROI, including both technological advancements and upgrades in your human workforce. What’s notable about your robotic workforce, after you flip the switch, is that your ROI shows up with lightning speed. Your operating costs will drop quickly, and everyone likes ROI that doesn’t take forever to show up on the bottom line.
Use – Case Study of Robotic Process Automation (RPA):
1. Extraction of Data from PDF files into Excel
2. Input of Data into Desktop Application
3. Input of Data into Online System
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